Guess what? If you are a Latinas Unidas member at the sponsor level you can attend free!
Hello All,
Many of you who took the Interest Survey expressed a need for financial education. We have a great opportunity!
Diva will be teaching the Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace Course. This is a 9 week course that retails for $119 online. Latinas Unidas is proud to offer the course for only $99. BUT WAIT! if you are a Latinas Unidas Sponsor, you can enroll in the course for $50! That is a 50% savings!!
Don’t wait! Sign up today as space is limited to 10 people. Attached is a flyer with the course and contact details. Share with other women who might benefit!
If you are not currently a Sponsor but wish to sign up, please reply to this email and someone will contact you.
Thank you!
402-850-8830 cell